Title: Leveraging Data Analytics for Organizational Decision Making
主講人:Dr. Yu-Wang Chen (陳玉旺)
Data analytics is the science of structuring, cleaning, analyzing and mining data with the objective of discovering useful insights and supporting informed decision making. In this talk, I will briefly explore the scope of data analytics, big data, and interpretable machine learning in the context of organizational decision making. A range of different cases and real-world applications will be introduced for illustrating how to leverage data analytics to drive better business insights.
Dr. Yu-Wang Chen is currently Senior Lecturer in Decision Sciences at Alliance Manchester Business School (AMBS), The University of Manchester. Prior to his current appointment, he was a Postdoctoral Research Associate, and then appointed as a Lecturer in 2011 at the Decision and Cognitive Sciences (DCS) research centre of AMBS, and a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University. He has served as the Programme Director for MSc Business Analytics at AMBS from 2014 to 2018, which led to a high QS ranking of 8th in the world. He received the PhD degree in Control and System Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2008. His research interests are mainly in the areas of Decision and System Sciences, Operational Research and Data Analytics. He has published over 50 research articles in leading journals, such as EJOR, IS, C&OR, KBS, IEEE T-FS and IEEE T-SMC, 5 books or book chapters and 30 publications in conference proceedings. He has completed as PI/Co-I several research projects funded by ERC, EPSRC, Innovate UK, NSFC, etc. He acted as Associate Editor of the Decision Analytics Journal (Springer) and Editorial Board Member of Complexity, Web Intelligence: An International Journal and International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management (Emerald).
陳玉旺(Yu-wang Chen)👨🏿💻,於2008年在上海交通大學獲工學博士學位,現為英國曼徹斯特大學決策科學高級講師(Senior Lecturer/ Associate Professor in Decision Sciences),博士生導師。此前2008年至2011年分別在香港浸會大學計算機系和英國曼徹斯特大學決策與認知科學研究中心開展博士後研究🥃。2011年4月在歐洲科技合作計劃(European COST)資助下任西班牙Malaga大學訪問學者👌🏽。近年來負責的曼徹斯特大學商業分析碩士專業在2018年QS全球專業排名中取得歐洲第一全球第六的優異成績。其主要研究領域為決策與系統科學🚷、數據分析和供應鏈管理等。近年來作為項目負責人或主要完成人承擔完成EPSRC, ERC, Innovate UK, NSFC等資助的多項科研項目🕵️👖。並在EJOR, C&OR, IEEE T-SMC, IS等期刊和國際會議上發表了學術論文80余篇⏭。並擔任過多個國際期刊的副主編或編委🥾,包括Complexity, Web Intelligence, Decision Analytics和International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management😹🧑🏫。